Many HR professionals have departed from “post and pray” and have had mixed experiences with digital sourcing, social media campaigns or active talent acquisition. But do you really know where your good candidates are applying from? By that we mean not just the first one on your short list – the one you hire? Are they referrals? Coming from Xing? LinkedIn? Or that fancy Facebook Messenger campaign?
A good ATS shows you where your GOOD candidates are applying from
We at softfactors can claim, that we are one of the few ATS (Applicant Tracking Systems) that knows the fit of the candidate to job – because this is what we do and what we stand for. Much more than the candidate tracking itself. Other tools are more and better process oriented than we are. We focus on quality. On the perfect Match. The matchmaker for jobs! This is why we also integrate into other solutions – like HR4U or Umantis or SuccessFactors, you name it.
But how can a recruiting solution judge, where your GOOD candidates come from, if you don’t know (automatically) what good really is? It is tough but possible or easy with a tool like softfactors.
This week, we at softfactors launched our people analytics report. And yes, I want to say, we are proud of it (a bit at least)! It not only gives our clients all the stats on the job opening but also tracks where and through which campaign the GOOD candidates apply from. GOOD means in respect to their fit to the specific open position. You think this is “nice to have” and not needed – Think it over!
Put your money where your success is
Using our job families and library, softfactors automatically learns (you might call it machine learning if you want) through which media source, good candidates apply from. So it helps you spending your precious search Dollars (or Swiss Francs) with the right channel. I.e. our (yet small) sample shows that certain types of jobs (job families) work well with Xing (in Switzerland) others better with Facebook and some work well with job marketplaces like Monster, or Jobs.ch Now mapping this information with the matching information A-B-C candidate gives a powerful and most interesting feedback to the digital sourcer (do you have such role in your team?) or digital marketing campaign owner.
Below is a screenshot of our people analytics stat. If you want a demo, ring us up, send a mail, or use the chat. Whatever we are proud in showing you more.
Knowing where your good candidates are applying from has never been as easy. And it will leapfrog the effectiveness of your search campaigns as well as your recruiting. Now: in 2017, the future is here.
Summer greetings from old town Zurich!