For some time now, video assessment and artificial intelligence (AI) in analyzing video streams of candidates has been a hot subject in recruiting. And such AI analyses go far beyond using video as an interview tool. While softfactors has made some significant discoveries in this respect, we are now taking video analytics one step further to the next generation of assessment.
Softfactors has over one-year experience with video analysis
Already one year ago, softfactors started a pilot project, in which we are using Facial Action Coding System (FACS) video analysis. We analyzed over 300 profiles of blue collar workers in three bottling factories of a large European company. The 300 video profiles were compared and enriched with 4 of softfactors assessment instruments. The main goal of the pilot project was to analyze the personality-related risk factors of the current workforce, including factors such as:
- General work safety and health-protecting behaviors
- Risk awareness at work and in private life
- Risk-taking behaviors
Our assessment instruments recorded personal traits such as:
- Reliability
- Attentiveness
- Conformity
- Integrity
- Risk “appetite”
For this we worked with video providers using a half-automated process and our in-house video solution. Now, we are taking this research to the next round.
Next generation video analysis as a benchmark for 13 assessment instruments
In partnership with a spin-off of EPFL (one of the leading Swiss institutes for technology), we will pilot the next generation of video assessment, benchmarking our current 13 assessment instruments in the softfactors recruiting suite.
Softfactors is targeting again a sample audience of 300+ people who will go through our existing set of 13 assessment instruments and create a 2,5-minute video. Using novel AI analytics developed by the EPFL lab, we will test automated video analysis methods which go way beond FACS and include further data such as eye movement, gestures and voice, thus substantially raising the quality and the scope of the analysis beyond today’s solutions in the market.
The personality dimensions to be validated in softfactors’ 13 instruments include but are not limited to the classical Big 5 personality traits such as
- Social and Communication Skills
- Extraversion
- Agreeableness
- Conscientiousness
- Neuroticism
- Openness
- And more…
What will candidates get?
Participating candidates will get a full personality assessment report (8 – 12 pages) on all our 25 competencies and many facets, including personality traits, conflict handling styles, leadership behavior, stress, motivational drivers, etc. as in our softfactors standard solution. The report can be used in personnel training, people development or self-development and coaching and will be available in French, German and English.
Interested? Participating companies wanted!
Softfactors customers can participate in this pilot project free of charge. Additionally, we are looking for participations from various industries. To participate in the pilot, you must have at least access to a group of 20 individuals per company. Please contact Reto Ruegger, Founder and Partner at info@softfactors.com for more information. Pilot duration will be from April 2018 to November 2018.