softfactors offers a fully customizable solution delivering every aspect of recruitment support from pure ATS functionality through pre-screening to market leading assessment quality. Don’t’ simply choose your next employee from their polished CV. Instead, select your next employee based upon hard facts about your candidate’s personality – with 25 competencies assessed for a detailed view – the “soft skills”.
In short: your softfactors benefits
softfactors Assessment
Identifying your dream candidate in 45 minutes
Softfactors delivers an “X-ray” of the candidate through scientifically proven algorithms using up to 15 different assessment instruments in the form of real tests. The 45-minute process assesses the candidate’s fit to the job and tests their soft skills. The 4-dimensional assessment method uncovers every facet of the candidate, whether as a “second opinion” or as perfect preparation for the interview.
What makes softfactors unique?
The softfactors assessment is a multi-method, multi-trait solution.
Compared to other solutions, softfactors combines a multitude of different criteria in the assessment and can therefore offer an unparalleled quality candidate assessment.

softfactors Prescreening
Only the best will get through the eye of the needle
The softfactors matching algorithm automatically compares the predefined job requirements with the candidate profile: Overall fit, soft- & hard factor fit. This matching reduces time-to-hire and creates a positive candidate experience – all benefiting your recruitment process. The candidate is guided through a set of self-explanatory and structured steps (no login required). The graphical layout is customizable for each job and client to improve employer branding.
After completing the application, the candidate receives an automated feedback report with an overview of their data and an initial “fit-to-job” assessment. The candidates also receive an overview of their personality profile based on their application. This value-add repeatedly results in positive candidate feedback.
softfactors Applicant Tracking System
Your efficient recruiting assistant
softfactors Applicant Tracking System (ATS) is corporate grade software that fits companies of all sizes – from the family business to corporates.
The applicant goes through an easy-to-follow, structured and playful application process (no login required). The layout can be adapted to the job and the company to meet employer branding requirements.
After the application has been completed, the candidate receives automatic feedback and insight into their data and evaluations. This is consistently appreciated by candidates, generating a favorable impression of your company.

Cloud = SaaS
Short implementation time, cost effective and deployable from anywhere
We run and maintain the software for you, giving you full value at minimal costs. Our short implementation time allows you to quickly optimize your recruitment process with an efficient Application Tracking System (ATS) with the option of add-ons like pre-screening and assessment.
Browser based software in the cloud – software as a service (SaaS) – offers several benefits in a modern solution:
Tailored pricing for individual solutions
You want to match candidates to your jobs – we want to match our solution to your specific requirements. Whether you have 50 job vacancies a year with 20 applicants each or just 5 job vacancies a year, but 1.000 applicants per job, we have a solution for you. We will always offer customized solutions that fits your current requirements.